Data Analytics

New Features

  • AN-24: You can now disable the Composer Suggestions and Autocomplete option from the QDS UI (Control Panel > My Preferences > Analyze Interface), and do not need to contact Qubole Support to do it. You can also do this from the Analyze page, for SQL commands only.
  • AN-353: You can now format SQL for the Hive, Presto, Spark (SQL type only), Redshift, DB query and query export types on the Analyze page.
  • AN-126: You can now view and edit Hive commands greater than 126KB (which were earlier uploaded to Amazon S3) from the UI. Beta, Via Support, Disabled

Bug Fixes

  • AN-751: The Archive button, which was always visible earlier on the Analyze page’s Workspace tab, is hidden if you do not have the permission to archive saved queries. Contact the administrator of your user account to obtain this permission.
  • AN-746: Avoid accidental runs of a subquery on the Analyze page by adding a confirmation step on clicking the Run Selected button.
  • AN-572: The cluster label search and filter on the Analyze page’s History tab now returns only exact matches allowing you to locate commands faster. Earlier, the filter also returned partial matches.
  • AN-986: Added support to run Presto commands using the query path from the Templates page.
  • AN-771: The UI appears misaligned due to long space-less commands.
  • EAM-998: Headers are not printed in the Command Results API if the inline parameter is set to true.
  • EAM-1052: Bookkeeping issues caused commands to be marked as failed despite the underlying MR jobs succeeding.


  • AN-1076: Saved queries (previously available only to the first user of the account) are now available to any new user who joins an account by using the sign-up link or by invitation.
  • AN-1082: An Additional Options field is available for Data Import and Data Export commands in the Command Templates UI.
  • AN-1348: You now receive more relevant table name suggestions on the Analyze page’s code composer pane. This is due to the increased preference given to previous commands run from the page.
  • AN-559: Partition columns are now marked distinctly in the Analyze page’s Tables tab.
  • EAM-1082: The additional options field is now available for the Data Import and Data Export command types (drop-down menu options under Command) on the Templates page.