Qubole Data Service
Getting Started
Release Information
How-To (QDS Guides, Tasks, and FAQs)
Qubole Product Suite
Connectivity Options
REST API Reference
Access URL
API Types
Supported Qubole Endpoints on Different Cloud Providers
API Throttling Policy
HTTP Retry Policy
Account API v1.2
Account API v2.0
Apps API
Automatic Statistics Collection API
Airflow API
Cluster API v1.3
Cluster API v2.2
Command API
Command Template API
Custom Metastore API
Folder API
Groups API
Hive Metadata API
Qubole Pipelines Service API (Pipelines API)
Notebook API
Jupyter Notebook API
Dashboard API
Object Policy API
Package Management Environment API
Reports API
Roles API
Create a Role
List Groups with a Specific Role
Delete a Role
Scheduler API
Sensor API
Users API
APIs for Qubole on Microsoft Azure
APIs for Qubole on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Troubleshooting Guide
How QDS Works
Product Security Guide
Additional Resources
Providing Feedback
Qubole Data Service
REST API Reference
Roles API
Roles API
Create a Role
List Groups with a Specific Role
Delete a Role
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