
Alert Name: master_cpu_utilization_alert

Alert Condition: The condition that triggers the alert is avg(last_5m):avg:cpu_user{*} by {host} > 80.

Alert Explanation: The alert indicates that the average CPU utilized in the coordinator node is greater than 80 percent.


You can use one of the following methods to resolve:

  • Method 1 - Follow these steps:
    1. Use the AWS instance type with larger CPU capacity and set it as the coordinator node.
    2. Try moving a part of the workload to another cluster.
  • Method 2 - Follow these steps:
    1. Log into the coordinator node and check which process is using the maximum CPU.
    2. Run the top command to check the CPU percentage being used by each running process.
    3. Run the ps (process status) command to see more information about each process.
    4. Based on which process is consuming the maximum CPU, take appropriate steps as required.