Questions about Hive
The topics that follow provide answers to common questions about Hive in Qubole:
- 1. What version of Hive does Qubole provide?
- 2. How can I create a Hive table to access data in object storage?
- 3. What is the difference between an external table and a managed table?
- 4. How different is a Qubole Hive Session from the Open Source Hive Session?
- 5. How can I create a table in HDFS?
- 6. What file formats does Qubole’s Hive support out of the box?
- 7. What is the default InputFormat used by Qubole’s Hive?
- 8. Does Qubole remember my tables even when my cluster goes away?
- 9. Can I use Excel/Tableau/BI tools on top of Qubole’s Hive tables?
- 10. If the AWS account is not using AWS Glue Data Catalog, then what is the error that we get when trying to use it as a metastore?
- 11. I have my data in RDS. Can I use Hive to process the data?
- 12. Can I plug in my own UDFs and SerDes?
- 13. How do I handle the exception displayed with a Tez Query while querying a JDBC table?
- 14. What are the unsupported features in Qubole Hive?