
New Features

Spark Application Status on the Notebooks Page

ZEP-2735 and ZEP-2184: You can use the Health widget on the Notebooks page of the QDS UI to monitor the status of the Spark application. You can also see the status (down, starting, or running) of the Spark interpreter that is bound to the Notebook. Beta. Via Support. Disabled


  • ZEP-2879: Scala libraries such as org.scala-lang:scala-library and org.scala-lang:scala-reflect are excluded by default. You do not have to explicitly exclude them when adding artifacts in the interpreter property.
  • ZEP-2736: The Notebook Interpreter bindings are now available on the Interpreters page, rather than the Notebooks page. Via Support. Disabled
  • ZEP-2585: You can now import and access Python libraries in JAR files (such as the graphframes JAR) in PySpark.

Bug Fixes

  • ZEP-2529: Notebooks that were created using the API in legacy mode now run successfully from the Analyze and Scheduler pages in the QDS UI.
  • ZEP-2863: Configuration file updates for Spark and Zeppelin setup are now atomic, and the files remain consistent during metastore connection setup.
  • ZEP-2478: The Notebook stacked bar chart and grouped bar charts are now displayed appropriately whether the cluster is up or down. Updated bar charts are displayed whenever the settings are modified.
  • ZEP-2700: Invalid interpreter JSON in DEFLOC caused Zeppelin to fail to start. This fix ensures invalid Interpreter JSON is not propagated to DEFLOC and Zeppelin starts successfully. Via Support. Disabled