
Configuring Default Timeout for SMTP

EAM-2347: The user can now configure the default timeout for SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) connections established by Airflow clusters for sending Emails. The user must enter the connection timeout value in seconds for smtp.connection_timeout. The default value for this is 5 seconds.

CI/CD Support for Git Repository

EAM- 2349: Qubole Airflow cluster now has CI/CD support for Git repository. The users can now select Git as the repository and specify the repository location and branch to deploy the code on Airflow cluster. The supported Git platforms are GitHub, GitLab, bitbucket, and self-hosted.


  • EAM-2725: There is a change in the password policy for adding a Data Store. Now, the user can create a password with special characters (except “%”) for this.

Bug Fixes

There are no bug fixes in this version.