What’s New and Key Enhancements

The new features, enhancements, and bug fixes are:

New Features

  • ACM-8405: Added the end date/time in the cron type scheduler.

  • PM-268: Added filter to select specific clusters from the cluster list.

  • ACM-8360: Added new AWS instances of m6i, m6a, m7i, m7a, r6i, r6a, r7i, and r7a in Qubole for various Clusters or Engines.


  • ACM-7561: Improved the cluster instances filtering for specific searches.

  • ACM-6879: Enhanced the error message when on-demand instances are not available.

  • ACM-7578: Made edit work for Non-HS2 cluster when converted into multi HS2 cluster.

  • HIVE-5774: Improved the use of coalesce() in Hive.

  • AN-2919: Made the Null value display consistently and represented as empty boxes in the downloaded CVS file.

  • ACM-8420: Made the Node Type detail available on Airflow cluster.

  • ACM-4693: Improved the new cluster to get the right conduit information for new command.

  • HADTWO-2896: Upgraded Ranger for Qubole, Hive, Spark, and Presto engines.

  • ACM-7909: Increased the download size for outputs with rows over 1000.

  • FIXPACK-148: Improved the GP3 volume count for instance type families of c4, c5, m4, m5, m5a, p2, r4, r5, and r5a.

  • FIXPACK-138: Presto version 317 established as default for Presto cluster.

Bug Fixes

  • ACM-7458: Prevented intermittent command failure by making the cluster go down gracefully.

  • JDBC-227: Corrected the format when getting the result data in grid/tabular for JDBC URL with Spark cluster.

  • HIVE-5742: Corrected the amount of columns shown in the Hive query result.