Create a Cluster on Oracle OCI

POST /api/v2/clusters/

Use this API to create a new cluster when you are using Qubole on the Oracle OCI. You create a cluster for a workload that has to run in parallel with your pre-existing workloads.

Required Role

The following users can make this API call:

  • Users who belong to the system-user or system-admin group.
  • Users who belong to a group associated with a role that allows creating a cluster. See Managing Groups and Managing Roles for more information.



Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.

Parameter Description
cloud_config A list of labels that identify the cluster. At least one label must be provided when creating a cluster.
cluster_info It contains the configurations of a cluster.
engine_config It contains the configurations of the type of clusters
monitoring It contains the cluster monitoring configuration.
security_settings It contains the security settings for the cluster.


Parameter Description
provider It defines the cloud provider. Set oracle when the cluster is created on QDS-on-Azure.
compute_config It defines the Azure account compute credentials for the cluster.
location It is used to set the geographical OCI location.
network_config It defines the network configuration for the cluster.
storage_config It defines the Azure account storage credentials for the cluster.


Parameter Description
compute_validated It denotes if the credentials are validated or not.
use_account_compute_creds It is to use account compute credentials. By default, it is set to false. Set it to true to use account compute credentials. By default, it is set to false. Set it to true to use account compute credentials. Setting it to ``true`` implies that the following four settings are not required to be set.
compute_tenant_id The Tenancy OCID of the account in which you created the user in step 1 above. The Tenancy OCID appears at the bottom of the screen in the OCI Console. It is required when use_account_compute_creds is set to false.
compute_user_id The user ID of the QDS account owner that is the owner of the QDS account on OCI. It is required when use_account_compute_creds is set to false.
compute_key_finger_print The fingerprint Oracle provided when you uploaded the public key in step 2 of Configuring Oracle OCI Resources. It is required when use_account_compute_creds is set to false.


Parameter Description
compartment_id It is the ID of the compartment where all your QDS instances and images will be stored and brought up, and (by default) where query output and logs will be stored as well. Compartments allow you to organize and control access to your cloud resources. A compartment is a collection of related resources (such as instances, virtual cloud networks, block volumes) that can be accessed only by certain groups that have been given permission by an administrator. Configuring Oracle OCI Resources provides more information.
vcn_id Set the ID of the Virtual Cloud Network if the cluster would be part of it. A Virtual Cloud Network is a virtual version of a traditional network including subnets, route tables, and gateways on which your instances run. A cloud network resides within a single region but can cross multiple Availability Domains.
subnet_id Set the subnet ID associated with the VCN. You can define subnets for a cloud network in different Availability Domains, but the subnet itself must belong to a single Availability Domain.
bastion_node It is the public IP address of bastion node to access private subnets if required.


Parameter Description
block_volume_count It is the count of block volumes to be mounted to an instance as reserved disks. Reserved disks provide additional storage for HDFS and intermediate data on instances with low storage density. Its default value is 0 and it can be greater than 0.
block_volume_size It is the size (in GB) of each block volume to be mounted to an instance as reserved disk. Its default value is 256 GB and supported value range is 50 to 2048.


Parameter Description
region It is the region in which nodes are launched. The default and the only supported region is us-phoneix-1.
availability_domain The Oracle availability zone in which nodes are launched. The supported values are: ncSu:PHX-AD1, ncSu:PHX-AD2, and ncSu:PHX-AD3.


Parameter Description
label A cluster can have one or more labels separated by a commas. You can make a cluster the default cluster by including the label “default”.
master_instance_type To change the coordinator node type from the default (Standard_A5), select a different type from the drop-down list.
slave_instance_type To change the worker node type from the default (Standard_A5), select a different type from the drop-down list.
min_nodes Enter the minimum number of worker nodes if you want to change it (the default is 1).
max_nodes Enter the maximum number of worker nodes if you want to change it (the default is 1).
node_bootstrap You can append the name of a node bootstrap script to the default path.
disallow_cluster_termination Set it to true if you do not want QDS to terminate idle clusters automatically. Qubole recommends that you to set this parameter to false.
custom_tags It is an optional parameter. Its value contains a <tag> and a <value>.
rootdisk Use this parameter to configure the root volume of cluster instances. You must configure its size within this parameter. The supported range for the root volume size is 90 - 2047. An example usage would be "rootdisk" => {"size" => 500}.


Parameter Description
flavour Denotes the type of cluster. The supported values for OCI are: hadoop2 spark.
hadoop_settings To change the coordinator node type from the default (Standard_A5), select a different type from the drop-down list.
spark_settings Enter the minimum number of worker nodes if you want to change it (the default is 1).


Parameter Description
custom_hadoop_config The custom Hadoop configuration overrides. The default value is blank.
fairscheduler_settings The fair scheduler configuration options.


Parameter Description
fairscheduler_config_xml The XML string, with custom configuration parameters, for the fair scheduler. The default value is blank.
default_pool The default pool for the fair scheduler. The default value is blank.


Parameter Description
zeppelin_interpreter_mode The default mode is legacy. Set it to user mode if you want the user-level cluster-resource management on notebooks. See Configuring a Spark Notebook for more information.
custom_spark_config Specify the custom Spark configuration overrides. The default value is blank.
spark_version It is the Spark version used on the cluster. The default version is 2.0-latest. The other supported version is 2.1-latest.


Parameter Description
enable_ganglia_monitoring Enable Ganglia monitoring for the cluster. The default value is, false.


Parameter Description
ssh_public_key SSH key to use to login to the instances. The default value is none. (Note: This parameter is not visible to non-admin users.) The SSH key must be in the OpenSSH format and not in the PEM/PKCS format.


The following table contains engine_config for an Airflow cluster.


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.

Parameter Description
dbtap_id ID of the data store inside QDS. Set it to -1 if you are using the local MySQL instance as the data store.
fernet_key Encryption key for sensitive information inside airflow database. For example, user passwords and connections. It must be a 32 url-safe base64 encoded bytes.
type Engine type. It is airflow for an Airflow cluster.
version The default version is 1.10.0 (stable version). The other supported stable versions are 1.8.2 and 1.10.2. All the Airflow versions are compatible with MySQL 5.6 or higher.
airflow_python_version Supported versions are 3.5 (supported using package management) and 2.7. To know more, see Configuring an Airflow Cluster.

Airflow configuration to override the default settings. Use the following syntax for overrides:


Request API Syntax

If use_account_compute_creds is set to false, then it is not required to set compute credentials.

 curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '
     "cloud_config": {
       "compute_config": {
         "use_account_compute_creds": "<default is ``false``/set it to ``true``>",
         "compute_tenant_id": "<tenantID>",
         "compute_user_id": "<user ID>",
         "compute_key_finger_print": "<key finger print>",
       "network_config": {
         "compartment_id": "<compartment ID>",
         "subnet_id": "<subnet-id>",
         "vcn_id" : "<vcn-id>",
         "Image_id" :""
     "location" :{
           "region" : "us-phoenix-1",
           "availability_domain" : "<availability domain>"
     "cluster_info": {
       "master_instance_type": "<master instance type>",
       "slave_instance_type": "<Slave instance type>",
       "label": [ "<label>" ],
       "min_nodes": 1,
       "max_nodes": <maximum nodes>,
       "node_bootstrap": "",
       "disallow_cluster_termination": <false/true>
     "engine_config": {
       "flavour": "<hadoop2/spark>",
         "hadoop_settings": {
           "custom_hadoop_config": "<hadoop override>",
           "fairscheduler_settings": {
            "default_pool": "<default pool>"
   }' \ ""

Sample API Request

curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '
    "cloud_config": {
      "compute_config": {
        "use_account_compute_creds": false,
        "compute_tenant_id": "xxx11",
        "compute_user_id": "yyyy11",
        "compute_key_finger_print": "zzz22",
        "compute_api_private_rsa_key": "aaa"
      "network_config": {
        "compartment_id": "abc-compartment",
        "subnet_id": "subnet-1",
        "vcn_id" : "vcn-1"
        "Image_id" :""
    "location" :{
          "region" : "us-phoenix-1",
          "availability_domain" : "phx-ad-1"
    "cluster_info": {
      "master_instance_type": "<master instance type>",
      "slave_instance_type": "<slave instance type>",
      "label": [ "oraclehadoop2"],
      "min_nodes": 1,
      "max_nodes": 4,
      "node_bootstrap": "",
      "disallow_cluster_termination": true
    "engine_config": {
      "flavour": "hadoop2",
        "hadoop_settings": {
          "custom_hadoop_config": ""
  }' \