List Events

GET /api/v1.2/pipelines/<pipeline_id>/events

Use this API to list the events. This API returns the latest 20 events about the streaming queries running in the pipeline.

The following events are displayed:

  • QueryStartedEvent: Starting time of the streaming query.

  • QueryProgressEvent: Periodic updates in terms of the batch that has been processed.

  • QueryWaitingEvent: Waiting time for the new data.

  • ErrorEvent: This event is displayed when the spark version is lesser than 2.3.2 or the spark.sql.streaming.qubole.enableStreamingEvents property is not true, or the pipeline is not active.

Required Role

The following users can make this API call:

  • Users who belong to the system-user or system-admin group.

  • Users who belong to a group associated with a role that allows submitting a command.

  • Users who belong to a role that allows the Pipelines resource.

See Managing Groups and Managing Roles for more information.

Request API Syntax

curl -i -X GET<pipeline_id>/events -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN: $AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"

Sample API Request

curl -i -X GET<1>/events -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN: $AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"