RubiX Metrics

RubiX allows you to get the metrics through Bookkeeper Cache. In case of Presto, you can also get the metrics through JMX queries.

Cache Metrics

For a list of metrics related to cache interactions, refer to Cache Metrics.

JMX Metrics

Only for RubiX in Presto, you can monitor the RubiX system through JMX queries.

Here is a sample Presto Rubix JMX query.

SELECT Node, CachedReads,
ROUND(ExtraReadFromRemote,2) AS ExtraReadFromRemote,
ROUND(HitRate,2) AS HitRate,
ROUND(MissRate,2) AS MissRate,
ROUND(NonLocalDataRead,2) AS NonLocalDataRead,
ROUND(ReadFromCache,2) AS ReadFromCache,
ROUND(ReadFromRemote, 2) AS ReadFromRemote,
FROM jmx.current."rubix:name=stats";