

  • HADTWO-2196: Qubole has backported YARN-3933 to fix a race condition in the Fair Scheduler and prevent negative values for resources such as memory and cores.
  • HADTWO-2273: Shell scripts uploaded to the default location <default_location>/qubole_shell_scripts are now deleted after the command completes.

Bug Fixes

  • HADTWO-1751: Modifies /cluster/nodes API to accept GRACEFUL_DECOMMISSIONING as a query parameter and return correct results.
  • HADTWO-2191: Fixes an issue that could cause ResourceManager to deadlock while shutting down.
  • HADTWO-2211: Modifies clouddistcp so that temporary Reducer files are now deleted as soon as they have been copied to the destination file system. Previously these files were cleaned up only after the application completed.