View Return Information

For Airflow version 1.10.0 and older:

GET /airflow-webserver-<cluster-id>/api/experimental/dags/<DAG_ID>/tasks/<TASK_ID>

For Airflow 1.10.2 and later:

GET /airflow-rbacwebserver-<cluster-id>/api/experimental/dags/<DAG_ID>/tasks/<TASK_ID>

You can now use this API to view the returns info for a task.


To run the experimental APIs, you require to have Airflow version 1.10.0 and above.

Required Role

A user with read permission to the cluster can make this API call.


curl -X GET \  https://<ENV><Cluster-ID>/api/experimental/dags/dag_test/tasks/python_task \


You need to specify the QDS environment in the above syntax. It works with all the environments described in Supported Qubole Endpoints on Different Cloud Providers.

Sample Query

 curl -X GET \ \
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{}'

Sample Response

 "adhoc": "False",
 "depends_on_past": "False",
 "do_xcom_push": "True",
 "email_on_failure": "True",
 "email_on_retry": "True",
 "end_date": "None",
 "execution_timeout": "None",
 "executor_config": "{}",
 "inlets": "[]",
 "lineage_data": "None",
 "max_retry_delay": "None",
 "on_failure_callback": "None",
 "on_retry_callback": "None",
 "on_success_callback": "None",
 "op_args": "[]",
 "op_kwargs": "{}",
 "outlets": "[]",
 "owner": "airflow",
 "params": "{}",
 "pool": "None",
 "priority_weight": "1",
 "provide_context": "True",
 "python_callable": "<function print_context at 0x7f0c8b39c488>",
 "queue": "default",
 "resources": "{'disk': {'_qty': 512, '_units_str': 'MB', '_name': 'Disk'}, 'gpus': {'_qty': 0, '_units_str': 'gpu(s)', '_name': 'GPU'}, 'ram': {'_qty': 512,
 '_units_str': 'MB', '_name': 'RAM'}, 'cpus': {'_qty': 1, '_units_str': 'core(s)', '_name': 'CPU'}}",
    "retries": "0",
    "retry_delay": "0:05:00",
    "retry_exponential_backoff": "False",
    "run_as_user": "None",
    "sla": "None",
    "start_date": "2019-11-18T09:33:02.272636+00:00",
    "task_concurrency": "None",
    "task_id": "python_task",
    "templates_dict": "None",
    "trigger_rule": "all_success",
    "wait_for_downstream": "False",
    "weight_rule": "downstream"