Delete a Notebook

DELETE /api/v1.2/notebooks/<notebook ID>

Use this API to delete a notebook. To know how to clone a notebook using the Notebooks UI, see Deleting a Notebook.

Before deleting a notebook, you must ensure that the notebook does not have any active command, active schedules associated with the notebook, or any scheduled dashboard.

Required Role

The following users can make this API call:

  • Users who belong to the system-user or system-admin group.

  • Users who belong to a group associated with a role that allows submitting a command. See Managing Groups and Managing Roles for more information.



No additional parameters are required in the delete a notebook API call.

Request API Syntax

curl -i -X DELETE -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN: $AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" \
"<notebook ID>"


The above syntax uses as the endpoint. Qubole provides other endpoints to access QDS that are described in Supported Qubole Endpoints on Different Cloud Providers.

Sample API Request

Here is an example to delete a Spark notebook with its ID as 2000.

curl -i -X DELETE -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN: $AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" \