Package Management

The Package Management feature of Qubole enables you to create and manage environments.


Package Management is a Beta feature. Package management is enabled by default for new accounts. Existing account users must create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable package management.

Package Management provides the Environments UI with the following capabilities:

  • Create an environment with Python and R version selection.

  • Install additional Python and R packages.

  • An environment loaded with default Anaconda packages.

  • An environment loaded with the CRAN package repo, which you can use to install any R packages.

  • Distributed installation of packages in a running Spark application or Airflow workflow.

Package Management Environment API provides a list of APIs for creating, editing, cloning, and viewing an environment, and for attaching a cluster to an environment.

Starting from R59, Qubole provides a new Package Management UI Environments with new features.


The new Package management UI is not enabled by default. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable the new Package Management UI.