
New Hive Version

  • Hive 2.3 is generally available. Cluster Restart Required

  • QHIVE-4645: QDS Hive 2.3 has been updated with all changes through Apache Hive 2.3.5 but continues to use Apache ORC v1.3.3.

    Read more about Apache Hive 2.3.5.

Deprecation of Qubole JDBC Storage Handler

The Qubole-Hive JDBC Storage Handler is deprecated as of QDS R57; all Qubole Hive versions will use the OSS JDBC Storage Handler.


Bug Fixes

  • QTEZ-446: QDS has added code in HiveServer2 to automatically kill the Tez application when the query has completed or failed, or has been canceled. See also open-source JIRA TEZ-3405.

  • QHIVE-4681: Fixes a race condition which caused the Thrift Metastore Server to fail to start.