Configuring a Private Subnet

Use these instructions to configure a private subnet for your clusters:

Tunneling with Bastion Nodes for Private Subnets in an AWS VPC

You must allow IP addresses/NAT gateways to tunnel with Bastion nodes for private subnets. The IP addresses/NAT gateways to be allowed are different in various QDS environments:

US Non-SOC-compliant Environment

In the QDS environment, an administrator must ensure that these IP addresses have access privileges to the Bastion node for private subnets in the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):














US SOC-compliant Environment

In the QDS environment, an administrator must ensure that these NAT gateways have access privileges to the Bastion node for private subnets in the VPC:



If you are using a restrictive access policy for Amazon S3 buckets, then you must additionally allow vpce-0de55159a25763390 S3 VPC endpoint to allow Qubole to access your S3 buckets. For more information, see VPC endpoints.

Europe Region Environment

In the QDS environment, an administrator must ensure that these NAT gateways have access privileges to the Bastion node for private subnets in the VPC:



If you are using a restrictive access policy for S3 buckets, then you must additionally allow vpce-08c43994b2481dfab S3 VPC endpoint to allow Qubole to access your S3 buckets. For more information, see VPC endpoints.

India Region Environment

In the QDS environment, an administrator must ensure that these NAT gateways have access privileges to the Bastion node for private subnets in the VPC:



If you are using a restrictive access policy for S3 buckets, then you must additionally allow vpce-0e202bb1aa732f11e S3 VPC endpoint to allow Qubole to access your S3 buckets. For more information, see VPC endpoints.

Wellness Environment

In the QDS environment, an administrator must ensure that these NAT gateways have access privileges to the Bastion node for private subnets in the VPC:



If you are using a restrictive access policy for S3 buckets, then you must additionally allow vpce-09cd2824148fab41c S3 VPC endpoint to allow Qubole to access your S3 buckets. For more information, see VPC endpoints.

Configuring a Private Subnet for Azure Clusters


Configuring a private subnet requires you to configure a Bastion node, as described below. This in turn means that public IP will not be attached to the nodes in the QDS cluster. Instead cluster nodes will receive inbound communication (from outside the private subnet) via the Bastion node, and, for outbound, will by default use SNAT (Secure Network Address Translation) to communicate with QDS and with Azure services such as compute services and the object store. This does not require any additional configuration in QDS, other than the setup steps that follow. But keep in mind that if you customize your Azure network (changing the Azure defaults) you must make sure that the instances that will be used as nodes in your QDS clusters can still reach the Azure services and QDS HTTPS and HTTP endpoints.

Proceed as follows:

  1. If your private subnet does not already exist, create it in the same VNet where you will launch the Bastion host.

    The subnet should have rules that are no more restrictive than these (Qubole recommends setting rules that are less restrictive):

    • A rule to allow ingress via all protocols to all ports from the Bastion node’s private IP address.

    • A rule that allows all communication via all protocols to all ports on all hosts within the subnet.

    You can configure the rules by means of a Network Security Group if you prefer (see Modifying Cluster Settings for Azure).

  2. Allow the IP addresses of Qubole’s NAT gateways to have SSH access to the Bastion host. The Bastion host address and the allowed address must be on the same subnet.

  3. Decide how to allow QDS access to the Bastion host you are going to create:

    • EITHER: use the default public key. To see the key in the QDS UI, navigate to Clusters, choose the Advanced tab, and scroll down to SECURITY SETTINGS.

    • OR: to use a unique SSH key for your account (for communication between QDS and the Bastion node), and also instruct QDS to generate a unique key each time a cluster is launched (for communication between the Bastion Node and the cluster), create a support ticket to enable that capability and obtain the account-level key. Then authorize that key on the Bastion host as described below.

  4. Create a Bastion node, bring it up, and configure SSH access.

    • Qubole recommends using an Azure instance running the latest version of CentOS Linux. The instance must be able to handle high network throughput and the workload of communicating with multiple clusters: the Standard_A4_v2 instance type (with 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM) is a good choice.

    • Create the Bastion node in a public subnet, in the same VNet as the private subnet (from step 1 above).

    • Make sure the Bastion node’s network security group (or the public subnet’s network security group, which the Bastion node inherits by default) opens the SSH port (22 by default) for access from Qubole’s NAT gateway (see step 2 above).

    • You (as the system administrator) also need SSH access to the Bastion node.

  5. Configure a QDS cluster to use the private subnet and Bastion node.

Azure Environment

Make sure that these NAT gateways have access to the Bastion node for private subnets:








Configuring SSH on the Bastion Node

Prerequisite: The Bastion node must allow SSH access via the loopback address. This is usually the default for SSH access in a Linux environment, but can be configured differently.

Do the following after bringing up your Bastion node:

  1. Create a user on the Bastion node for SSH access by Qubole. This can be the default user shown in the QDS UI, or a name you choose.

    To see the default name in the QDS UI, navigate to Clusters, choose the Advanced tab, and enter an IP address for the Bastion node.

    If you choose a different user name, make sure you change the user name in the QDS UI also. Make a note of this user ID; you’ll need it when you Configure your QDS cluster to use the private subnet and Bastion node.

  2. Log in to the Bastion node as the user you created in step 1.

  3. Modify the Bastion node’s SSH configuration in the SSH demon configuration file, /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set GatewayPorts to yes. (This file is also where you can change the SSH port from the default (22) to something else if you need to. Remember that this port must be open for access from Qubole’s NAT gateway, as described above).

  4. After editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config, restart the SSH demon service. For example, on CentOS, run sudo systemctl restart sshd.service.

  5. Add the SSH key from step 3 above to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the user you created in step 1.

Configuring a QDS Cluster to use the Private Subnet and Bastion Node

Follow these instructions to create or modify a QDS cluster. Under the Advanced tab, configure the following fields:

  • Virtual Network: From the drop-down menu, choose the Vnet in which the both the Bastion host and the cluster will be launched.

  • Subnet: Choose your private subnet from the drop-down menu.

  • Bastion Node: Provide the public IP address of your Bastion node.

  • Bastion Node Port: Let this default to port 22 unless you have changed it on the Bastion host (see step 3 above).

  • Bastion Node User: The user you created for QDS access.

  • Network Security Group: If you configured rules by means of a security group, choose that group from the drop-down menu.

When you are satisfied with your changes, choose Save or Update.

Configuring a Private Subnet for Oracle OCI Clusters

Proceed as follows:

  1. Create a Qubole support ticket to get a tunnel IP address and public key to allow Qubole access to the Bastion host you are going to create.

  2. To create a Bastion node, launch an instance using the Oracle-Linux-7.3 image. This instance must be in the same VCN as the private subnet.

  3. Add the public key provided by Qubole support to the authorized key list of user opc on the Bastion node. To do this, append the public key to /home/opc/.ssh/authorized_keys on the Bastion node.

  4. Run the following commands in the bash shell on the Bastion node.

    useradd ec2-user -p ''
    mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.ssh
    cp /home/opc/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/ec2-user/.ssh/
    chown -R ec2-user:ec2-user /home/ec2-user/.ssh
    # Need to open port 7000 to private subnet CIDR block using firewall if required.
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address=<private subnet cidr block> port port=7000 protocol=tcp   accept'
    firewall-cmd --reload
    bash -c 'echo "GatewayPorts yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config'
    sudo service sshd restart
  5. If your private subnet does not already exist, create it in the same VCN where you launched the Bastion host.

    At a minimum, the subnet should have these rules:

    • A stateful rule to allow ingress via all protocols to all ports from the private subnet’s CIDR block.

    • A stateful rule to allow ingress via all protocols to all ports from the Bastion node’s private IP address.

    • A stateful rule to allow egress via all protocols and all ports to destination

  6. Configure the Bastion host’s security list. This list should have these rules at a minimum:

    • A stateful rule to allow ingress via TCP to port 22 for ssh access from the tunnel server IP address specified by Qubole support.

    • A stateful rule to allow ingress via TCP protocols to port 22 for ssh access from the public IP address of the Bastion node.

    • A stateful rule to allow ingress via TCP to port 7000 for metastore access from the private subnet’s CIDR block (see step 5 above).

    • A stateful rule to allow egress via all protocols and all ports to destination

  7. Create a Qubole support ticket to provide your Bastion host’s public IP address. Qubole will enable private subnet support for your clusters.