Snowflake Jars Packaged with Qubole Apache Spark ClusterΒΆ

The following table lists the supported versions of the Snowflake JARs for Spark clusters.

Spark versions Supported Snowflake Jars
Spark 2.1 (AWS only) snowflake-jdbc 3.4.0, spark-snowflake_2.11 2.2.8
Spark 2.2 (AWS only) snowflake-jdbc 3.5.3, spark-snowflake_2.11 2.3.0
Spark 2.3 AWS and Azure snowflake-jdbc:3.9.2, spark-snowflake_2.11 2.5.1
Spark 2.4 AWS and Azure snowflake-jdbc:3.9.2, spark-snowflake_2.11 2.5.1