Qubole Pipelines Service

Quest, a Data Engineering product offered by Qubole is renamed as Qubole Pipelines Service. The Quest UI is now called the Pipelines UI.

Qubole Pipelines Service is now available as a Beta feature for all the user accounts.

In this release, Qubole Pipelines Service provides various new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.


  • QUEST-350: Users can now see the command logs of the test run in the Events tab. Details such as started, queued, running, cancelled or stopped are displayed. Additionally, an event is also displayed when the connection to Kafka source is not established.

  • QUEST-502: Users have an option to add the timestamp column in their data frame for Kafka and Kinesis as sources.

  • QUEST-492: When creating assisted pipelines, users do not have to specify a name of the connection when adding source and sink. The Name your connection field is removed from the Source and Sink sections of the Pipelines UI.

  • QUEST-500: Pipelines can be in one of the following defined states:

    • DRAFT
    • ACTIVE
    • PAUSED
    • ERROR

    Learn more.

  • QUEST-501: Users can now delete an operator sequentially starting from the last operator added in the Assisted pipeline mode from the Pipelines UI and by using the REST API.

    For more information about the REST API, see Delete Pipeline Operator.

  • QUEST-512: Users can now edit the pipelines that are in the running state. If the user edits a running pipeline that was created by using the assisted mode, the running pipeline is opened for edit in the BYOC/J mode. After editing the pipeline, the user must re-deploy the pipeline for the changes to take effect. Users can discard all the edits or changes made after the pipeline was started by using the Discard option in the UI.

Bug Fixes

For a list of bug fixes between versions R58 and R59, see Changelog for api.qubole.com.