Create a Cluster

POST /api/v2.2/clusters/

Use this API to create a cluster through the cluster API version 2.2.

Required Role

The following roles can make this API call:

  • A user who is part of the system-admin group.

  • A user invoking this API must be part of a group associated with a role that allows editing a cluster. See Managing Groups and Managing Roles for more information.



Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




A list of labels that identify the cluster. At least one label must be provided when creating a cluster.


It contains the configurations of a cluster.


It contains the configurations of the type of clusters


It contains the cluster monitoring configuration.





It defines the cloud provider. Set aws when the cluster is created on QDS-on-AWS.


It defines the AWS account compute credentials for the cluster.


It is used to set the geographical AWS location. It comprises of the AWS region and AWS Availability Zone that are described in location.


It defines the network configuration for the cluster.





It denotes if the credentials are validated or not.


It is to use account compute credentials. By default, it is set to false. Set it to true to use account compute credentials. Setting it to ``true`` implies that the following four settings are not required to be set.


The EC2 Access Key. (Note: This field is not visible to non-admin users.)


The EC2 Secret Key. (Note: this field is not visible to non-admin users.)





The AWS region in which the cluster is created. The default value is, us-east-1. Valid values are, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, sa-east-1, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, and ca-central-1.


The preferred availability zone in which the cluster must be created. The default value is Any. However, if the cluster is in a VPC, then you cannot set the AZ.





The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in which the cluster is created. In this VPC, the enableDnsHostnames parameter must be set to true.


The ID of the subnet that must belong to the above VPC in which the cluster is created and it can be a public/private subnet. Qubole supports multiple subnets. Specify multiple subnets in this format: "subnet_id": "subnet-id1, subnet-id2, ...., subnet-idn".


It is the Elastic IP address for attaching to the cluster coordinator. For more information, see this documentation.


Specify the Bastion host public DNS name if private subnet is provided for the cluster in a VPC. Do not specify this value for a public subnet.


It is the port of the Bastion node. The default value is 22. You can specify a non-default port if you want to access the cluster that is in a VPC with a private subnet.


It is the Bastion node user, which is ec2-user by default. You can specify a non-default user using this option.


It is a user-defined IAM Role name that you can use in a dual-IAM role configuration. This Role overrides the account-level IAM Role and only you (and not even Qubole) can access this IAM Role and thus it provides more security. For more information, see Creating Dual IAM Roles for your Account.


Set it to true to use the account’s compute credentials for all clusters of the account. The default value is false. This option is not supported on clusters of an IAM-Role-based account.



An Airflow cluster is a single-node machine and does not have slave nodes and always use On-Demand nodes.




A list of labels that identify the cluster. At least one label must be provided when creating a cluster.


  • AL1 Hive cluster creation via API where "cluster_image_version": "1.latest".

  • AL2 Hive cluster creation via API where "cluster_image_version": "2.latest".


The instance type to use for a cluster coordinator node. The default value is m1.large for Hadoop-1, Hadoop-2, and Presto clusters. The default value is m3.xlarge for a Spark cluster.


The instance type to use for cluster worker nodes. The default value is m1.xlarge for Hadoop-1, Hadoop-2, and Presto clusters. The default value is m3.2xlarge for a Spark cluster.


Qubole supports configuring heterogeneous nodes in Hadoop and Spark clusters. It implies that worker nodes can be of different instance types. For more information, see heterogeneous_instance_config and An Overview of Heterogeneous Nodes in Clusters.


The number of nodes to start the cluster with. The default value is 2.


The maximum number of nodes up to which the cluster can be autoscaled. The default value is 2.


It is an optional parameter. Its value contains a <tag> and a <value>. For example, custom-ec2-tags ‘{“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”}’. A set of tags to be applied on the AWS instances created for the cluster. Specified as a JSON object, for example, {“project”: “webportal”, “owner”: “”} It contains a custom tag and value. You can set a custom EC2 tag if you want the instances of a cluster to get that tag on AWS.

Tags and values must have alphanumeric characters and can contain only these special characters: + (plus-sign), . (full-stop/period/dot), - (hyphen), @ (at-the-rate of symbol), = (equal sign), / (forward slash), : (colon) and _ (an underscore). The tags, Qubole and alias are reserved for use by Qubole (see Qubole Cluster EC2 Tags (AWS)). Tags beginning with aws- are reserved for use by Amazon.

Qubole supports defining user-level EC2 tags. For more information, see Adding Account and User level Default Cluster Tags (AWS).


SSH key to use to login to the instances. The default value is, none. (Note: This field is not visible to non-admin users.) The SSH key must be in the OpenSSH format and not in the PEM/PKCS format.


It is only applicable to the Spark cluster. It is for creating a pacakge management environment. For more information, see env_settings.


It is used to add EBS volumes that are attached to increase storage on instance types that come with low storage but have good CPU and memory configuration. For recommendations on using EBS volumes, see AWS EBS Volumes. EBS Volumes are supported by c3, c4, m3, m4, p2, r3, r4, and x1 slave node type.


Configure the type of nodes for coordinator, minimum, and autoscaling nodes. The supported node types are On-Demand, Spot, and Spot Block.


It is an optional parameter. Its value contains a <tag> and a <value>. For example, custom-ec2-tags ‘{“key1”:”value1”, “key2”:”value2”}’. A set of tags to be applied on the AWS instances created for the cluster and EBS volumes attached to these instances. Specified as a JSON object, for example, {“project”: “webportal”, “owner”: “”}. It contains a custom tag and value. You can set a custom EC2 tag if you want the instances of a cluster to get that tag on AWS. The custom tags are applied to the Qubole-created security groups (if any).

Tags and values must have alphanumeric characters and can contain only these special characters: + (plus-sign), . (full-stop/period/dot), - (hyphen), @ (at-the-rate of symbol), = (equal sign), / (forward slash), : (colon) and _ (an underscore). The tags, Qubole and alias are reserved for use by Qubole (see Qubole Cluster EC2 Tags (AWS)). Tags beginning with aws- are reserved for use by Amazon.

Qubole supports defining user-level EC2 tags. For more information, see Adding Account and User level Default Cluster Tags (AWS).


The default cluster timeout is 2 hours. Optionally, you can configure it between 0 to 6 hours that is the value range is 0-6 hours. The unit of time supported is only hour. If the timeout is set at account level, it applies to all clusters within that account. However, you can override the timeout at cluster level. The timeout is effective on the completion of all queries on the cluster. Qubole terminates a cluster in an hour boundary. For example, when idle_cluster_timeout is 0, then if there is any node in the cluster near its hour boundary (that is it has been running for 50-60 minutes and is idle even after all queries are executed), Qubole terminates that cluster.


After enabling the aggressive downscaling feature on the QDS account, the Cluster Idle Timeout can be configured in seconds. Its minimum configurable value is 300 seconds and the default value would still remain 2 hours (that is 120 minutes or 7200 seconds).


This feature is only available on a request. Contact the account team to enable this feature on the QDS account.


With the aggressive downscaling feature enabled on the QDS account, it is the cool down period set in minutes for On-Demand nodes on a Hadoop or a Spark cluster. The default value is 10 minutes. For more information, see Understanding Aggressive Downscaling in Clusters (AWS) or Aggressive Downscaling (Azure).


This feature is only available on a request. Contact the account team to enable this feature on the QDS account. You must not set the Cool Down Period to a value lower than 5 minutes. If you set it very low, the node still does not get terminated unless it is decommissioned from HDFS.

With the aggressive downscaling feature enabled on the QDS account, it is the cool down period set in minutes for cluster nodes on a Presto cluster. The default value is 5 minutes. For more information, see Understanding Aggressive Downscaling in Clusters (AWS) or Aggressive Downscaling (Azure).


This feature is only available on a request. Contact the account team to enable this feature on the QDS account.


With the aggressive downscaling feature enabled on the QDS account, it is the cool down period set in minutes for Spot nodes on a Hadoop or a Spark cluster. The default value is 15 minutes. For more information, see Understanding Aggressive Downscaling in Clusters (AWS). It is not applicable to Presto clusters as node_base_cooldown_period is used for both On-Demand and Spot nodes in case of a Presto cluster (as described above).


This feature is only available on a request. Contact the account team to enable this feature on the QDS account. You must not set the Cool Down Period to a value lower than 5 minutes. If you set it very low, the node still does not get terminated unless it is decommissioned from HDFS.


Use this parameter to configure the root volume of cluster instances. You must configure its size within this parameter. The supported range for the root volume size is 90 - 2047. An example usage would be "rootdisk" => {"size" => 500}.


It is a configuration for creating a package management environment that is only supported on Spark clusters currently. For more information on the package management through UI, see Using the Default Package Management UI and through API, see Package Management Environment API.




Specify the Python version. Python 2.7 is the default version and Python 3.5 is the other supported version.


Currently, only R Version 3.3 is supported on Qubole.


It is the name of the environment.


The cluster composition comprises of the coordinator node, minimum number of nodes, and autoscaling nodes. The supported node types are ondemand, spotblock, and spot.

The following table describes the supported combinations of coordinator, minimum number of nodes, and autoscaling nodes.



Node Types describes the different node types and possible cluster composition.




It denotes the coordinator node configuration in the cluster composition. Its configuration must have only one node type. Node Types describes the different types of nodes: ondemand, spot, and spotblock along with associated parameters. A sample payload is added below the parameters of each node type.


It denotes the minimum number of nodes’ configuration in the cluster composition. Its configuration must have only one node type. Node Types describes the different types of nodes: ondemand, spot, and spotblock along with associated parameters. A sample payload is added below the parameters of each node type.


It denotes the autoscaling nodes’ configuration in the cluster composition. Add parameters as described in nodes within autoscaling_nodes. In addition to single-node type composition, autoscaling nodes can have additional combination of node types as follows:

Node Types describes the different types of nodes: ondemand, spot, and spotblock along with associated parameters. A sample payload is added below the parameters of each node type.

Node Types

composition - It is a parameter to configure the node type for coordinator, minimum number of nodes, and autoscaling nodes. The node types that are supported are:


Set this value when you want to choose On-Demand nodes in the cluster composition. The following table describes the associated parameters with the ondemand node type.


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




It denotes the type of the node. Its value must be ondemand when you configure On-Demand nodes.


It denotes the percentage of each node type in case of a homogeneous or hybrid cluster. The supported value range is 1 - 100.

Sample payload for only the ondemand nodes cluster composition.

"nodes": [
           "percentage": 100,
           "type": "ondemand"


Set this type to use Amazon EC2 spot instances in the cluster composition. The following table describes the associated parameters with the spot node type.


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




It denotes the type of the node. Its value must be spot when you configure spot nodes.


It denotes the percentage of each node type in case of a homogeneous or hybrid cluster. The supported value range is 1 - 100.


The timeout for a spot instance request is in minutes. Qubole supports a lower value of 1 minute to be set for this parameter.

Qubole has added a new option for Spot request timeout called auto, which is the new default timeout. It lets Qubole to decide the timeout at the runtime on behalf of you. This optimizes the spot fulfillment and minimizes spot losses. It is the new default only on new clusters. It is part of Gradual Rollout.


By default, it is set to ondemand to fallback to On-Demand nodes if spot nodes could not be obtained when adding nodes during autoscaling.


The maximum percentage of instances that may be purchased from the AWS Spot market. The default value is 50.


Use this parameter to set the allocation strategy for spot nodes. The default value is lowestPrice. The other supported value is capacityOptimized.

Sample payload for the spot nodes cluster composition.

"nodes": [
           "percentage": 100,
           "type": "spot",
           "maximum_bid_price_percentage": 100,
           "timeout_for_request": "1",
           "fallback": "ondemand",
           "allocation_strategy": "capacityOptimized"


Spot Blocks are Spot instances that run continuously for a finite duration (1 to 6 hours). They are 30 to 45 percent cheaper than On-Demand instances based on the requested duration. QDS ensures that Spot blocks are acquired at a price lower than On-Demand nodes. It also ensures that autoscaled nodes are acquired for the remaining duration of the cluster. For example, if the duration of a Spot block cluster is 5 hours and there is a need to autoscale at the second hour, Spot blocks are acquired for 3 hours.

Qubole allows you to set spot block as the worker instance type even when the coordinator node type is On-Demand. Configuring Spot Blocks describes how to configure Spot blocks for autoscaling even when the coordinator node type is On-Demand.


The feature to set Spot blocks as autoscaling nodes even when the coordinator node and minimum worker nodes are On-Demand nodes, is available for a beta access and it is only applicable to Hadoop (Hive) clusters. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable it on the account. For more information, see Configuring Spot Blocks.

The following table describes the associated parameters with the spotblock node type.


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




It denotes the type of the node. Its value must be spotblock when you configure spot blocks.


It denotes the percentage of each node type in case of a homogeneous or hybrid cluster. The supported value range is 1 - 100.


The timeout for spot blocks is in minutes. The default value is 120 minutes. The accepted value range is 60-360 minutes and the duration must be a multiple of 60. Spot blocks are more stable than spot nodes as they are not susceptible to being taken away for the specified duration. However, these nodes certainly get terminated once the duration for which they are requested for is completed. For more details, see AWS spot blocks. An example of Spot block can be as given below.

Sample payload for the spotblock cluster composition.

"nodes": [
           "percentage": 100,
           "type": "spotblock",
           "timeout": 120


See An Overview of Heterogeneous Nodes in Clusters for more information.




To configure the heterogeneous cluster, you must provide a list of whitelisted set of instance_types as shown in the following example.

       "memory": {
                   {"instance_type": "m4.4xlarge", "weight": 1.0},
                   {"instance_type": "m4.2xlarge", "weight": 0.5},
                   {"instance_type": "m4.xlarge", "weight": 0.25}

The following points about the instance types hold good for an heterogeneous cluster:

  • The whitelisted instance types are specified in an array with weights based on the available memory (Qubole plans to provide weighing on resources such as CPU in the future).

  • The first instance type must be the same as the cluster’s slave_instance_type and have a weight of 1.0. This is the primary instance type. Ensure that the first instance type is primary instance type if you are using Qubole’s APIs to create an heterogeneous cluster.

    Specify the instance weight as only floating numbers such as 1.0 and 2.0.

  • Qubole would try the rest of the instance types whenever it needs to provision nodes and when nodes from the earlier list are unavailable. The number of instances requested is decided by the weight. For example, during autoscaling, Qubole decides that it needs 10 m4.4xlarge nodes. But if this instance type is unavailable, Qubole tries to get 20 m4.2xlarge nodes instead. It is only valid for On-Demand nodes.

    However, with spot instances, Qubole uses AWS spot fleet, so, Qubole would get the cheapest combination of nodes of different types that satisfies the target capacity.





The default EBS volume type is standard (magnetic). The other possible values are ssd (gp2, General Purpose SSD), st1 (Throughput Optimized HDD), and sc1 (Cold HDD). For more information, see this blog. EBS volumes are attached to increase storage on instance types that come with low storage but have good CPU and memory configuration.


For recommendations on using EBS volumes, see AWS EBS Volumes.


The default EBS volume size is 100 GB for Magnetic/General Purpose SSD volume types and 500 MB for Throughput Optimized HDD/Cold HDD volume type. The supported value range is 100 GB/500 GB to 16 TB. The minimum and maximum volume size varies for each EBS volume type and are mentioned below:

  • For standard (magnetic) EBS volume type, the supported value range is 100 GB to 1 TB.

  • For ssd/gp2 (General Purpose SSD) EBS volume type, the supported value range is 100 GB to 16 GB.

  • For st1 (Throughput Optimized HDD) and sc1 (Cold HDD), the supported value range is 500 GB to 16 TB.


For recommendations on using EBS volumes, see AWS EBS Volumes.


The number of EBS volumes to attach to each cluster instance. The default value is 0.


By default, the encryption is false. To enable the data disk encryption, set it to true.


Hadoop and Spark clusters that use EBS volumes can now dynamically expand the storage capacity. This relies on Logical Volume Management. When enabled, a volume group is created on this volume group. Additional EBS volumes are attached to the instance and to the logical volume when the latter is approaching full capacity usage and the file system is resized to accommodate the additional capacity. This is not enabled by default. Storage-capacity upscaling in Hadoop/Spark clusters using EBS volumes also supports upscaling based on the rate of increase of used capacity.


For the required EC2 permissions, see Sample Policy for EBS Upscaling.

Here is an ebs_upscaling_config example.

"node_configuration" : {
  "ebs_upscaling_config": {

See upscaling_config for information on the configuration options.



For the required EC2 permissions, see Sample Policy for EBS Upscaling.




The maximum number of EBS volumes that can be attached to an instance. It must be more than ebs_volume_count for upscaling to work.


The percentage of free space on the logical volume as a whole at which addition of disks must be attempted. The default value is 25%, which means new disks are added when the EBS volume is (greater than or equal to) 75% full.


The absolute free capacity of the EBS volume above which upscaling does not occur. The percentage threshold changes as the size of the logical volume increases. For example, if you start with a threshold of 15% and a single disk of 100GB, the disk would upscale when it has less than 15GB free capacity. On addition of a new node, the total capacity of the logical volume becomes 200GB and it would upscale when the free capacity falls below 30GB. If you would prefer to upscale only when the free capacity is below a fixed value, you may use the absolute_free_space_threshold. The default value is 100, which means that if the logical volume has at least 100GB of capacity, Qubole would not add more EBS volumes.


It is the frequency at which the capacity of the logical volume is sampled. Its default value is 30 seconds.


It is the number of sampling_intervals over which Qubole evaluates the rate of increase of used capacity. Its default value is 5. This means that the rate is evaluated over 150 (30 * 5) seconds by default. To disable upscaling based on rate and use only thresholds, this value may be set to 1. When the rate-based upscaling is set to 1, then absolute_free_space_threshold is monitored at sampling_interval.

The logical volume is upscaled if, based on the current rate, it is estimated to get full in (sampling_interval + 600) seconds (the additional 600 seconds is because the addition of a new EBS volume to a heavily loaded volume group has been observed to take up to 600 seconds.) Here is an example how the free space threshold decrease with respect to the Sample Window and Sample Interval. Assuming the default value of sampling_interval (30 seconds) and sampling_window (5), this is how the free space threshold decreases:

  • 0th second:100%free space

  • 30th second:95.3% free space

  • 60th second: 90.6% free space

  • 90th second: 85.9% free space

  • 120th second: 81.2% free space

  • 150th second: 76.5% free space

  • 180th second: 71.8% free space

  • 210th second: 67.1% free space

  • 600th second: 6% free space

  • 630th second: 1.3% free space





It denotes the type of cluster. The supported values are: airflow, hive, presto, and spark.


It provides a list of Airflow-specific configurable sub options.


It provides a list of Hadoop-specific configurable sub options.


It provides a list of Presto-specific configurable sub options.


It provides a list of Spark-specific configurable sub options.


It provides a list of HiveServer2-specific configurable sub options.





The custom Hadoop configuration overrides. The default value is blank.


The fair scheduler configuration options.


<add description>


Use Qubole Block Placement policy for clusters with spot nodes.





The XML string, with custom configuration parameters, for the fair scheduler. The default value is blank.


The default pool for the fair scheduler. The default value is blank.





It is mandatory and only applicable to a Presto cluster. The supported values are:

  • 0.157 (deprecated version)

  • 0.180 (the stable version)

  • 0.193 (the default and stable version)

  • 0.208 (the latest stable version)


Specifies if the custom Presto configuration overrides. The default value is blank.





The default mode is legacy. Set it to user mode if you want the user-level cluster-resource management on notebooks. See Configuring a Spark Notebook for more information.


Specify the custom Spark configuration overrides. The default value is blank.


It is the Spark version used on the cluster. The default version is 2.0-latest. The other supported version is 2.1-latest.



Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




ID of the data store inside QDS. See Setting up a Data Store (AWS) for more information.


Encryption key for sensitive information inside airflow database. For example, user passwords and connections. It must be a 32 url-safe base64 encoded bytes.


The latest supported Aiflow version is 1.10.2.QDS.


Airflow configuration to override the default settings. Use the following syntax for overrides:



Enables you to select the deployment type among bucket and git.


If you specify bucket as the deployment type, it enables you to enter the bucket location. To select the default location, you can leave it blank.


If you specify git as the deployment type, you need to enter the git repository branch.


If you specify git as the deployment type, you need to enter the git repository URL.


You can enable HiveServer2 on a Hadoop (Hive) cluster. The following table contains engine_config for enabling HiveServer2 on a cluster. Other settings of HiveServer2 are configured under the hive_settings parameter. For more information on HiveServer2 in QDS, see Configuring a HiveServer2 Cluster.

This is an additional setting in the Hadoop (Hive) request API for enabling HiveServer2. Other settings that are explained in Parameters must be added. For details on configuring multi-instance as an option to run HS2 through REST API, see Choosing Multi-instance as an option for running HiveServer2 on Hadoop (Hive) Clusters.


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.





Set it to true to enable HiveServer2.


It is the Hive version that supports HiveServer2. The values are 1.2.0, 2.1.1, and 2.3, and 3.1.1. Qubole’s Hive 2.1.1 is a stable version and LLAP from the Hive open source is not verified in Qubole’s Hive For more information, see Understanding Hive Versions.


This parameter enables Hive metadata caching that reduces split computation time for ORC files. This feature is not available by default. Create a ticket with Qubole Support for using this feature on the QDS account. Set it to true in old Hadoop (Hive) clusters and it is enabled by default in new clusters. For more information, see Understanding Hive Metadata Caching.


It is used to set HiveServer2 port. The default port is 10003. This parameter is not available on the Hadoop (Hive) cluster UI and Qubole plans to add the UI option in a future release.


Hive configuration to override the default settings.


The default version of Pig is 0.11. Pig 0.15 and Pig 0.17 (beta) are the other supported versions. Pig 0.17 (beta) is only supported with Hive 2.1.1.


Only with Pig 0.17 (beta), you can use this parameter to set tez as the engine. MapReduce (mr) is the default engine used for Pig versions.

Choosing Multi-instance as an Option for running HiveServer2

Configuring Multi-instance HiveServer2 describes choosing multi-instance to run HS2 on a Hadoop (Hive) cluster and how to configure it.

This enhancement is available for beta access and it is not available by default. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable it on the QDS account.

Parameters for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2


Parameters marked in bold below are mandatory. Others are optional and have default values.




You can specify a different node bootstrap file location if you want to change its default location inherited from the associated Hadoop (Hive) cluster.


You can only set elastic IP for the coordinator node of the multi-instance HS2 if you do not want to use the elastic IP of the associated Hadoop (Hive) cluster. For more information, see ec2_settings for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2.


It has four configuration properties and one of them is mandatory. For more information, see node_configuration for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2.


It denotes the type of the engine. For more information, see engine_config for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2.

node_configuration for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2

The coordinator node type of multi-instance HS2 is always m3.xlarge. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to configure the coordinator node of the multi-instance HS2.




The instance type to use for cluster worker nodes. The default value is m3.xlarge when you choose multi-instance as an option to run HS2 on a Hadoop (Hive) cluster. You can set any other instance regardless of the instance family.


The default number of nodes is 2. You can only increase the number of nodes even when the cluster is running. However, you cannot reduce the number of nodes or remove them when the cluster is running.


Add custom EC2 tags and values and ensure that you do not add reserved keywords as EC2 tags as described in cluster_info.


You must specify the cluster ID of the Hadoop (Hive) cluster on which you want to enable multi-instance as an option to run HS2.

ec2_settings for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2




Enter the Elastic IP of Coordinator Node for the multi-instance HS2. When you want to directly (through external BI tools) run queries on multi-instance HS2, you can attach an Elastic IP (EIP) to it and configure the tools to connect to the EIP of multi-instance coordinator. You must add EIP to the multi-instance HS2’s coordinator node because HS2 queries run on the multi-instance HS2 instead of the associated Hadoop (Hive) cluster.

engine_config for Choosing Multi-instance as an Option to run HS2




The value of type must be hs2 for configuring multi-instance as an option to run HS2.



The Datadog feature is enabled on Hadoop 1, Hadoop (Hive), Presto, and Spark clusters. Once you set the Datadog settings, Ganglia monitoring gets automatically enabled. Although the Ganglia monitoring is enabled, its link may not be visible in the cluster’s UI resources list.




Enable Ganglia monitoring for the cluster. The default value is false.


Specify the Datadog API token to use the Datadog monitoring service. The default value is NULL.


Specify the Datadog APP token to use the Datadog monitoring service. The default value is NULL.


Specify all as the keyword to enable cluster notifications. Specify the notification channel’s ID as the value for the all keyword. Currently, Qubole supports only one channel ID to be specified in the list of values. For example, { "notifications" : { "all" : [1] }}. For more information on notification channels, see Creating Notification Channels.


It is now possible to enhance security of a cluster by authorizing Qubole to generate a unique SSH key every time a cluster is started. This feature is not enabled by default. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable this feature. Once this feature is enabled, Qubole starts using the unique SSH key to interact with the cluster. For clusters running in private subnets, enabling this feature generates a unique SSH key for the Qubole account. This SSH key must be authorized on the Bastion host.




Qubole allows encrypting ephemeral drives on the instances. Create a ticket with Qubole Support to enable the block device encryption.


SSH key to use to login to the instances. The default value is none. (Note: This parameter is not visible to non-admin users.) The SSH key must be in the OpenSSH format and not in the PEM/PKCS format.


This option overrides the account-level security group settings. By default, this option is not set but inherits the account-level persistent security group, if any. Use this option if you want to give additional access permissions to cluster nodes. Qubole only uses the security group name for validation. So, do not provide the security group’s ID. You must provide a persistent security group when you configure outbound communication from cluster nodes to pass through a Internet proxy server.

Sample Request APIs

Here are the samples:

Sample API Request to Create a Hadoop (Hive) Cluster


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-east-2",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
  "network_config": {
    "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
    "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
    "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
    "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
    "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "1.latest”,
    "master_instance_type": "c3.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "c3.2xlarge",
    "label": "hadoop-2a",
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 4,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap": "<node-bootstrap location if you do not want the default S3 location>",
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "datadisk": {
                "count": 1,
                "type": "<other than default value>",
                "size": "{[
                "encryption": true
    "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "spot",
                    "maximum_bid_price_percentage": 100,
                    "timeout_for_request": "1",
                    "fallback": "ondemand"
  "engine_config": {
    "flavour": "hive"
  "monitoring": {
    "ganglia": "true"
curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-west-2",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
  "network_config": {
    "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
    "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
    "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
    "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
    "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "1.latest”,
    "master_instance_type": "m2.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "m2.2xlarge",
    "label": "hadoop-hive"
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 2,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap":"<node-bootstrap location if you do not want the default S3 location>",
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "customer_ssh_key": "<customer_ssh_key>",
    "datadisk": {
      "encryption": true
     "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
  "engine_config": {
    "flavour": "hive",
    "hadoop_settings": {
      "custom_hadoop_config": <Hadoop override>
    "hive_settings": {
      "is_hs2": true,
      "hive_version": "2.1.1",
      "hs2_thrift_port": "10007"
      "overrides": "hive.execution.engine=tez"
  "monitoring": {
     "ganglia": true,


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-east-2",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
  "network_config": {
    "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
    "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
    "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
    "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
    "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "2.latest",
    "master_instance_type": "c3.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "c3.2xlarge",
    "label": "hadoop-2a",
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 4,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap": "<node-bootstrap location if you do not want the default S3 location>",
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "datadisk": {
                "count": 1,
                "type": "<other than default value>",
                "size": "{[
                "encryption": true
    "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "spot",
                    "maximum_bid_price_percentage": 100,
                    "timeout_for_request": "1",
                    "fallback": "ondemand"
  "engine_config": {
    "flavour": "hive"
  "monitoring": {
    "ganglia": "true"
curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-west-2",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
  "network_config": {
    "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
    "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
    "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
    "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
    "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "2.latest",
    "master_instance_type": "m2.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "m2.2xlarge",
    "label": "hadoop-hive"
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 2,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap":"<node-bootstrap location if you do not want the default S3 location>",
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "customer_ssh_key": "<customer_ssh_key>",
    "datadisk": {
      "encryption": true
     "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
  "engine_config": {
    "flavour": "hive",
    "hadoop_settings": {
      "custom_hadoop_config": <Hadoop override>
    "hive_settings": {
      "is_hs2": true,
      "hive_version": "2.1.1",
      "hs2_thrift_port": "10007"
      "overrides": "hive.execution.engine=tez"
  "monitoring": {
     "ganglia": true,

Sample API Request to Create an Airflow Cluster


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
"cloud_config": {
  "provider": "aws",
  "compute_config": {
  "compute_validated": true,
  "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-west-1",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
"network_config": {
  "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
  "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
  "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
  "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
  "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
"cluster_info": {
   "cluster_image_version": "1.latest”,
   "master_instance_type": "m3.xlarge",
   "label": ["Airflow172"],
   "min_nodes": 1,
   "max_nodes": 1,
   "idle_cluster_timeout_in_secs": 3,
   "cluster_name": "Airflowcluster",
   "node_bootstrap": "<node_bootstrap location>",
   "force_tunnel": false,
   "customer_ssh_key": <customer SSH Key>,
   "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
"engine_config": {
   "flavour": "airflow",
   "airflow_settings": {
     "dbtap_id": -1,
     "fernet_key": "<Fernet Key>",
     "deployment_type": "git",
     "git_repo_branch": "master",
     "git_repo_url": "",
     "version": "1.7.2"
"monitoring": {
  "ganglia": true


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
"cloud_config": {
  "provider": "aws",
  "compute_config": {
  "compute_validated": true,
  "use_account_compute_creds": true
"location": {
  "aws_region": "us-west-1",
  "aws_availability_zone": "<Availability Zone if you want a specific one other than the default value ``Any``>"
"network_config": {
  "vpc_id": "<VPC-ID>",
  "subnet_id": "<subnet-ID>",
  "bastion_node_public_dns": "<Bastion-node-public-DNS>",
  "bastion_node_port": "<Bastion-node-port>",
  "bastion_node_user": "<Bastion-node-user>"
"cluster_info": {
   "cluster_image_version": "2.latest",
   "master_instance_type": "m3.xlarge",
   "label": ["Airflow172"],
   "min_nodes": 1,
   "max_nodes": 1,
   "idle_cluster_timeout_in_secs": 3,
   "cluster_name": "Airflowcluster",
   "node_bootstrap": "<node_bootstrap location>",
   "force_tunnel": false,
   "customer_ssh_key": <customer SSH Key>,
   "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
"engine_config": {
   "flavour": "airflow",
   "airflow_settings": {
     "dbtap_id": -1,
     "fernet_key": "<Fernet Key>",
     "deployment_type": "git",
     "git_repo_branch": "master",
     "git_repo_url": "",
     "version": "1.7.2"
"monitoring": {
  "ganglia": true

Sample API Request to Create a Presto Cluster


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "1.latest”,
    "master_instance_type": "c1.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "c1.2xlarge",
    "label": "Presto1"
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 3,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap": <node bootstrap location>,
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "customer_ssh_key": <customer SSH Key>,
    "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "spotblock",
                    "timeout": 120
  "engine_config": {
            "flavour": "presto",
            "hadoop_settings": {
                "custom_hadoop_config": <custom-hadoop-config>,
                "use_qubole_placement_policy": true,
                "fairscheduler_settings": {
                    "fairscheduler_config_xml": "<allocations>\n  <fairSharePreemptionTimeout>60</fairSharePreemptionTimeout>\n</allocations>"
            "presto_settings": {
                "custom_presto_config": " query.max-memory-per-node=200GB",
                "presto_version": "0.180"
  "monitoring": {
    "ganglia": true,


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
  "cloud_config": {
    "provider": "aws",
    "compute_config": {
      "compute_validated": true,
      "use_account_compute_creds": true
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_image_version": "2.latest",
    "master_instance_type": "c1.xlarge",
    "slave_instance_type": "c1.2xlarge",
    "label": "Presto1"
    "min_nodes": 1,
    "max_nodes": 3,
    "idle_cluster_timeout": 3,
    "node_bootstrap": <node bootstrap location>,
    "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
    "force_tunnel": true,
    "customer_ssh_key": <customer SSH Key>,
    "composition": {
        "master": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "min_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
        "autoscaling_nodes": {
            "nodes": [
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "ondemand"
                    "percentage": 100,
                    "type": "spotblock",
                    "timeout": 120
  "engine_config": {
            "flavour": "presto",
            "hadoop_settings": {
                "custom_hadoop_config": <custom-hadoop-config>,
                "use_qubole_placement_policy": true,
                "fairscheduler_settings": {
                    "fairscheduler_config_xml": "<allocations>\n  <fairSharePreemptionTimeout>60</fairSharePreemptionTimeout>\n</allocations>"
            "presto_settings": {
                "custom_presto_config": " query.max-memory-per-node=200GB",
                "presto_version": "0.180"
  "monitoring": {
    "ganglia": true,

Sample API Request to Create a Spark Cluster


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
    "cloud_config": {
     "provider": "aws",
     "compute_config": {
       "compute_validated": true,
       "use_account_compute_creds": true
   "location": {
   "aws_region": "eu-west-1"
   "network_config": {
     "vpc_id": "<vpc-id>",
     "subnet_id": "<subnet-id>"
   "cluster_info": {
     "cluster_image_version": "1.latest”,
     "master_instance_type": "m3.xlarge",
     "slave_instance_type": "m3.2xlarge",
     "label": "spark24",
     "min_nodes": 1,
     "max_nodes": 2,
     "idle_cluster_timeout": 1,
     "node_bootstrap": "",
     "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
     "force_tunnel": true,
     "customer_ssh_key": "<customer ssh key>",
     "datadisk": {
       "encryption": false
     "composition": {
         "master": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "ondemand"
         "min_nodes": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "ondemand"
         "autoscaling_nodes": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "spot",
                     "maximum_bid_price_percentage": 100,
                     "timeout_for_request": "1",
                     "fallback": "ondemand"
   "engine_config": {
             "flavour": "spark",
             "hadoop_settings": {
                 "custom_hadoop_config": "mapred.job.hustler.enabled=true",
                 "use_qubole_placement_policy": false
             "spark_settings": {
                 "custom_spark_config": "spark-defaults.conf:\nspark.executor.instances\t 1000",
                 "spark_version": "2.4-latest"
   "monitoring": {
     "ganglia": true
   "internal": {
     "zeppelin_interpreter_mode": "user" }


curl -X POST -H "X-AUTH-TOKEN:$X_AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"
    "cloud_config": {
     "provider": "aws",
     "compute_config": {
       "compute_validated": true,
       "use_account_compute_creds": true
   "location": {
   "aws_region": "eu-west-1"
   "network_config": {
     "vpc_id": "<vpc-id>",
     "subnet_id": "<subnet-id>"
   "cluster_info": {
     "cluster_image_version": "2.latest",
     "master_instance_type": "m3.xlarge",
     "slave_instance_type": "m3.2xlarge",
     "label": "spark24",
     "min_nodes": 1,
     "max_nodes": 2,
     "idle_cluster_timeout": 1,
     "node_bootstrap": "",
     "disallow_cluster_termination": false,
     "force_tunnel": true,
     "customer_ssh_key": "<customer ssh key>",
     "datadisk": {
       "encryption": false
     "composition": {
         "master": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "ondemand"
         "min_nodes": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "ondemand"
         "autoscaling_nodes": {
             "nodes": [
                     "percentage": 100,
                     "type": "spot",
                     "maximum_bid_price_percentage": 100,
                     "timeout_for_request": "1",
                     "fallback": "ondemand"
   "engine_config": {
             "flavour": "spark",
             "hadoop_settings": {
                 "custom_hadoop_config": "mapred.job.hustler.enabled=true",
                 "use_qubole_placement_policy": false
             "spark_settings": {
                 "custom_spark_config": "spark-defaults.conf:\nspark.executor.instances\t 1000",
                 "spark_version": "2.4-latest"
   "monitoring": {
     "ganglia": true
   "internal": {
     "zeppelin_interpreter_mode": "user" }