Notebooks and Dashboards

In this release, Qubole provides various new features, enhancements and bug fixes for Notebooks and Dashboards.

New Features

  • ZEP-939: Qubole supports Zeppelin 0.8.0 upgrade. Feature to opt in.

    The following enhancements are available with the Zeppelin 0.8.0 upgrade:

    • Users can run notebooks or paragraphs from within the notebook by using, paragraphId) or z.runNote(noteId) functions respectively. The external notebook might belong to the same cluster or a different cluster. The external notebook runs in the same context as the caller notebook.
    • Users can run all paragraphs in the notebook or dashboard sequentially by using the Run all paragraphs option. In addition, scheduled notebooks or dashboards, and the notebooks that are run from the Analyze page also run paragraphs sequentially. In case of an error or abortion of run all, successive paragraphs are not run.
    • Users can perform the following actions from the Paragraph action drop-down menu.
      • Run all paragraphs above and below, including the current paragraph. At any given time, user can have only one of run all, run all above, or run all below in execution.
      • Copy paragraph id.
      • Clone paragraph.
      • Change font size.
    • Users can now have multiple table, text and charts, and other types of output.
    • Users can use notebook level dynamic input form with z.noteInput or $$.
    • Users can pass Zeppelin’s dynamic input variables to Shell and SQL Interpreters.
    • Network type visualization is supported.
    • Users can find and replace values anywhere in the notebook code
    • When users add a new paragraph, the new paragraph has Autofill Interpreter based on previous paragraph.
    • Memory leaks causing notebooks UI to freeze are fixed.
  • ZEP-3465: Qubole supports RStudio Server Pro that is hosted on cluster coordinator, with preinstalled sparklyr and various common libraries. Users can access RStudio from the Clusters page, Resources section. RStudio is supported on Spark 2.2 and 2.3 clusters. Beta, Via Support. Cluster Restart Required.

  • JUPY-1: Qubole provides JupyterLab interface, which is the next generation user interface for Jupyter, to create and manage Jupyter notebooks. Jupyter notebooks are supported on Spark 2.2 and later versions. Beta, Via Support. Learn more.

  • ZEP-3454: If a user belongs to multiple accounts, the user can access a notebook that belongs to a different account by using an option to switch to the relevant account.

  • ZEP-2960: The Spark Interpreters in Zeppelin notebooks support per user AWS credentials when started in the user mode. When this feature is enabled, all the new clusters are created in user interpreter mode. Via Support. Cluster Restart Required.

  • ZEP-3832: Qubole now supports enterprise installations of GitHub and GitLab. The service running GitHub or GitLab can be in either public subnet or private subnet. Users should ensure that the Qubole tunnel servers have a networking path to the hosted version control service. Via Support.


  • ZEP-3373: Users can now edit the notebooks even when the clusters are offline. Via Support.
  • Jupy-245: Users can now open the Resource Manager and Livy pages from the JupyterLab interface. On the JupyterLab interface, navigate to the Spark menu, and click Resource Manager or Livy to open the respective pages.

Bug Fixes

  • ZEP-3659: The newly added paragraphs were displayed only after refreshing the page. This issue is fixed.
  • ZEP-2865: Spark clusters were not downscaling between scheduled dashboard runs. To resolve this issue, Spark dashboard interpreters are now stopped immediately after the scheduled dashboard execution is complete.

For a list of bug fixes between versions R56 and R57, see Changelog for