Access Control in Jupyter Notebooks

You can set access control for Jupyter notebooks at the account level and at the object level.


This feature is available in the latest version of Jupyter Notebooks. If you are not using the latest version of Jupyter notebooks, you can enable this feature from the Control Panel >> Account Features page. For more information about enabling features, see Managing Account Features. For custom roles, add the following permissions before enabling this feature:

  • CREATE and READ allow access on Jupyter Notebook.

  • READ allow access on Folder.

As an account admin, you can set account level permissions in the Manage Roles UI. You can allow or deny Jupyter Notebook resource for a role and specify the policy actions such as create, read, update and delete. For more information, see Managing Roles.

As an owner of the Jupyter notebook, you can override the permissions for the folders and notebooks to restrict the access and visibility to a few users or groups. For the folders, you can set permissions only on your working directory and on the first level folders in the Common folder only if you have the required permissions for those folders. You can set permissions on the notebooks that you own.

The following table lists the resource, policy actions, and the descriptions.


Policy Action


Jupyter Notebook


Create and manage Jupyter notebooks.


Read any Jupyter notebook.


Update any Jupyter notebook.


Delete any Jupyter notebook.



Create resources in your working directory. Read other resources.


Create and read resources in your working directory, Common folder, and other users` folders.


Manage folder permissions.